
Trends, Reports, and Data

Techno-economic analysis of distributed energy resources versus wholesale electricity purchases for fueling decarbonized heavy-duty vehicles

We create a model to quantify the value of distributed energy resources for meeting decarbonized heavy-duty vehicle energy demand.

The Emerging Energy Markets Analysis Initiative

We quantify the deployment and value potential of nuclear small modular reactors versus other distributed energy resources in meeting energy demands of decarbonized heavy duty vehicles across the United States.

UW SER Researchers Produce Report on Nuclear Microreactor Applications

In a collaborative project with nuclear energy and regulatory experts across the U.S., University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources’ (SER) research staff and faculty members co-wrote a report that outlines potential markets and evaluates state-level legal, regulatory, economic and technology implications for nuclear microreactor applications in U.S. markets. The report, titled “Microreactor Applications in […]

The Value of Nuclear Microreactors in Providing Heat and Electricity to Alaskan Communities

We evaluated the system cost of providing electricity and heat to serve the load profiles of two types of Alaskan communities, and calculated the cost efficiency of including a nuclear microreactor in the generation portfolio. We employed a capacity expansion and dispatch model augmented to co-optimize heat and electricity generation. Since microreactor designs are still […]

Christie Wildcat – Engaging the Northern Arapaho Tribal Community in Environmental and Energy Decisions on the Wind River Reservation

Christie, a master’s student in the Haub School, will be exploring how decisions that affect natural resources are made on the Wind River Indian Reservation. She is especially interested in the tension between energy development, which brings economic development, and preservation of biodiversity, ecosystem services, and culturally significant sites. Christie will observe Business Council meetings […]